Qatar Uganda is located in east central Africa. Africans in Uganda belongs to several ethnic groups. And English is the official language of Uganda is that people speak several African languages.
Uganda has a fantastic landscaped and include the mountains covered by snow, and dense tropical forests, and semi-desert areas. Lakes and covers an area of one-sixth of Uganda and is located where the side of Lake Victoria's second largest fresh water lake in the world. And wild animals roam in their cabins extensive natural.
Britain ruled the region as a protected Uganda about 70 years, and Uganda gained independence in 1962. Capital and largest city of Kampala.
Regime. Chaired by the Government of Uganda President of the Republic elected by the people. The president appoints a council of ministers to do the conduct of governance. It consists of the National Assembly (Parliament) of a 276-member legislative body in the country. And The President and the members of Parliament shall hold office for a period of five years.
Population. Most Ugandans of African blacks, and each group of twenty ethnic group in Uganda for almost its own language, not the language of Uganda understandable to all. And Alganda, who also called Alboganda, are the largest group and the most wealth, and live in the central and southern Uganda, and the longer their political and social systems of the most advanced in Central Africa. Ganda was for the 1967 Special theirs called Kabaka and their parliament which called for Ukiqo.
Most Alganda farmers and the large amount of women working in the farms. Alganda lives in the walls of houses burnt brick, milk, cement and roof of corrugated iron.
There are three other ethnic groups in the south of Uganda such as Alganda, they had kings until 1967. Most of the population works in agriculture, but Rmujnq in the Northeast and other ethnic groups in the driest areas in the north, their herds roam. Men and Alibd Rmujnq mud colored their hair in elaborate patterns.
Many Ugandans practiced traditional African religions, and less than half the population of Christians, as the proportion of Muslims, about 40% of the population. Can more than half the population is literate. However, the education system in Uganda has deteriorated sharply since the early seventies of the twentieth century because of civil unrest in the country. There Makerere University in Kampala.
Surface. Most of Uganda plateau with an altitude of about 1,200 m above sea level. Grow dense forests in the south, and most of the North and is covered by savannah grasses and bushes short, while some areas of the north-eastern semi-desert.
There highlands near the border of East and West. In the Middle Elgon to reach the summit of 4,321 m and reaches the summit of Mount Margherita to 5,109 m in a series of Rwenzori Mountains in the south-west. Located and the Great Rift Valley to the east of the western highlands. It includes a groove on the lakes Albert and Edward and George. The headwaters of the White Nile Tbarva water in Uganda.
Passes south of the equator, Uganda, and because of the altitude, the temperature moderate, and rarely rises in most regions of the country to more than 29m at midday, or a minimum of 16m at night. Uganda to get most of the more than 100 cm of rain annually.
Economy. Uganda is an agricultural country, and the main food crops include bananas, beans, cassava, maize, millet and sweet potatoes. It produces coffee, cotton, sugar cane, tea, which is too often for export. The country has many mineral resources, and copper mining is only at a high level. There in Uganda one of the largest power plants of water at Owen Falls, in the town of Jinja, the main industrial city in the country.
Transported copper ore from mines near Cassis Kelemba to furnaces to his brother in the city of Jinja, and then to Kampala and the Kenyan port of Mombasa. Pass Liners and cargo on lakes Albert and Kyoga and Victoria, and also on the Albert River. The total length of roads in Uganda, about 6,120 km.
History. By cent in the first of the birth of Christ, people were known in those parts of Uganda currently has developed agriculture and the use of iron, and staged later in the form of a government headed by the bosses. A year later, in 1300, grew many local kingdoms was the most important of the Kingdom of Bunyoro Kitara.
Arab traders came to the area around the year 1850, and by that time it was Alganda have created the richest and most powerful kingdom of Buganda was called, was to this kingdom a large army and a very sophisticated system of governance. Arrived finders and missionaries from Britain to Uganda during the sixties and seventies of the nineteenth century. In 1894, Britain made Buganda a British protectorate. Later in the nineties of the nineteenth century, united the kingdoms of Buganda and three other and formed a British protectorate. Uganda and won its current borders in 1926. And become cash crops such as coffee and cotton mainly to the economy of Uganda. After the end of World War II in 1945, Africans led an increasingly important role in the governance of Uganda, and many Alganda wanted to become an independent kingdom. Led the independence movement disorders during the fifties of the twentieth century between the Kabaka of Buganda king and the British.
In October 9, 1962, Uganda became independent AD, and became Apollo Milton Obote, who belongs to an ethnic group north, as prime minister. Buganda gained powers and was more independent of the central government from the other kingdoms. In October 1963 he was elected Sir Edward II, King of Motaizha (Kayaka) Buganda president, has serious differences cropped up between him and Obote. In 1966, the Obote expelled Motaizha announced a new constitution to make Obote as president. Motaizha fled when government forces raided his headquarters. In 1967, approved a new constitution making Uganda a republic and abolished the traditional kingdoms in the country, including Buganda.
In 1971, the Ugandan army ousted Babuta and established a military government. Chaired by Major-General Idi Amin Dada, the army commander of the new government.
In 1972, Idi Amin ordered between 40 to almost 50 thousand Asians who were living in Uganda to leave the country. Not many Asians have become Ugandan nationals, but they have multiple businesses in Uganda. After the expulsion of Asians use their money in reward Secretary soldiers loyal to him.
In 1978, a border dispute led to the outbreak of fighting between Uganda and Tanzania, which lies to the south. In 1979, Tanzanian troops inflicted, with the help of Ugandans opposed to the Secretary, the defeat of the army overthrew the government of Uganda and the Secretary of the controlled Ugandans opposed to the Secretary to the Government. In 1980, military leaders overthrew the government and formed a new government Briashganh composed of military and civilian leaders. In December, elections were held for the formation of a new civilian government, and returned Obote, who was living in exile in the country. The party won the most seats in the National Assembly and Obote became president again. Obote supporters accused rivals of manipulating the elections and began a guerrilla war to overthrow the Babuta.
In July 1985 AD ousted commanders Babuta and dissolved the National Assembly and took control of the ruling. And Gen. Tito Okello became president, but the National Resistance Movement led by Yoweri Museveni launched a military campaign to overthrow the Bookelo. Forces captured the National Resistance Movement to Kampala in January 1986, and Museveni became president. By the end of 1986, he had restored peace to most parts of Uganda, but fighting continued in the northern and eastern borders, and the country suffered from the economic devastation caused by the years of war and political instability. Called on the name of the country's legislative body the National Council of Resistance in the period between 1986 and 1994. The name was changed to the Constituent Assembly of the Council in March 1994. Assembly began to discuss the draft constitution prepared by a committee appointed by President Museveni, and the Assembly approved the new constitution in 1995. Presidential elections were held and the other parliamentary, in 1996, for the selection of MPs which replaced the Constituent Assembly. Museveni was re-elected president of the country in that year, and was elected again in 2001. In 1999, there were Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya on the agreement whereby the re-pool configuration East Africa, which aims to promote economic and political cooperation between these countries. In 2001, the work of the assembly was inaugurated in an official capacity.
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