Turkey (in Turkish: Türkiye)
Officially known as the Republic of Turkey (Turkish: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti) for this file listened (? · Info) is a country located in the Middle East. Bounded on the north of the Black Sea and Georgia and to the east of Armenia and Iran to the south of Iraq, Syria and the Mediterranean Sea with the maritime border with Cyprus and on the west Aegean, Greece and Bulgaria. [4] [5] is a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation of the Black Sea.
Turkey is a secular, democratic, unitary, constitutional republic with an old cultural heritage. Turkey has become increasingly integrated with the West through membership in organizations such as the Council of Europe, NATO, the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Group of Twenty (major economies in the world). Turkey began full membership negotiations with the European Union in 2005, with the knowledge that she was an associate member of the European Common Market since 1963, and in 1995, an agreement was reached Customs Union. Has strengthened Turkey also cultural relations and close political and economic and industrial with the Middle East, the Turkic states in Central Asia and the African countries through membership in organizations such as the Council of Turkey, and the joint management of the arts and culture of Turkey, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Economic Cooperation Organization. Turkey's location at the crossroads between Europe and Asia make it a country of significant geostrategic importance. Due to its strategic location, the economy and the large military force, Turkey is a major regional power.
Located straits of the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus and the Sea of Marmara - that link the Black Sea to the Aegean and reach Asia to Europe - in its territory, which makes its strategic and influential on the countries bordering on the Black Sea. Turkey was the center of Ottoman rule until the year 1922 that the Turkish Republic was established in 1923 by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.
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