dimanche 17 août 2014

../, Romantic lake in Italy ../, 

The most beautiful and the most important lakes Italy, located in the north 45 km from the city of Milan. 
Overlooking the lake several cities, including the Bellagio, Farina and Tramieso. 
The best way to discover the lake steamers are passing through narrow areas interspersed Mountains 
Where hint villages 
Beautiful and quiet .. and well worth a visit.

Turkey (in Turkish: Türkiye) 

Officially known as the Republic of Turkey (Turkish: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti) for this file listened (? · Info) is a country located in the Middle East. Bounded on the north of the Black Sea and Georgia and to the east of Armenia and Iran to the south of Iraq, Syria and the Mediterranean Sea with the maritime border with Cyprus and on the west Aegean, Greece and Bulgaria. [4] [5] is a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation of the Black Sea. 
Turkey is a secular, democratic, unitary, constitutional republic with an old cultural heritage. Turkey has become increasingly integrated with the West through membership in organizations such as the Council of Europe, NATO, the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Group of Twenty (major economies in the world). Turkey began full membership negotiations with the European Union in 2005, with the knowledge that she was an associate member of the European Common Market since 1963, and in 1995, an agreement was reached Customs Union. Has strengthened Turkey also cultural relations and close political and economic and industrial with the Middle East, the Turkic states in Central Asia and the African countries through membership in organizations such as the Council of Turkey, and the joint management of the arts and culture of Turkey, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Economic Cooperation Organization. Turkey's location at the crossroads between Europe and Asia make it a country of significant geostrategic importance. Due to its strategic location, the economy and the large military force, Turkey is a major regional power. 
Located straits of the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus and the Sea of ​​Marmara - that link the Black Sea to the Aegean and reach Asia to Europe - in its territory, which makes its strategic and influential on the countries bordering on the Black Sea. Turkey was the center of Ottoman rule until the year 1922 that the Turkish Republic was established in 1923 by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.


Qatar Uganda is located in east central Africa. Africans in Uganda belongs to several ethnic groups. And English is the official language of Uganda is that people speak several African languages​​. 
Uganda has a fantastic landscaped and include the mountains covered by snow, and dense tropical forests, and semi-desert areas. Lakes and covers an area of ​​one-sixth of Uganda and is located where the side of Lake Victoria's second largest fresh water lake in the world. And wild animals roam in their cabins extensive natural. 
Britain ruled the region as a protected Uganda about 70 years, and Uganda gained independence in 1962. Capital and largest city of Kampala. 

Regime. Chaired by the Government of Uganda President of the Republic elected by the people. The president appoints a council of ministers to do the conduct of governance. It consists of the National Assembly (Parliament) of a 276-member legislative body in the country. And The President and the members of Parliament shall hold office for a period of five years. 

Population. Most Ugandans of African blacks, and each group of twenty ethnic group in Uganda for almost its own language, not the language of Uganda understandable to all. And Alganda, who also called Alboganda, are the largest group and the most wealth, and live in the central and southern Uganda, and the longer their political and social systems of the most advanced in Central Africa. Ganda was for the 1967 Special theirs called Kabaka and their parliament which called for Ukiqo. 
Most Alganda farmers and the large amount of women working in the farms. Alganda lives in the walls of houses burnt brick, milk, cement and roof of corrugated iron. 
There are three other ethnic groups in the south of Uganda such as Alganda, they had kings until 1967. Most of the population works in agriculture, but Rmujnq in the Northeast and other ethnic groups in the driest areas in the north, their herds roam. Men and Alibd Rmujnq mud colored their hair in elaborate patterns. 
Many Ugandans practiced traditional African religions, and less than half the population of Christians, as the proportion of Muslims, about 40% of the population. Can more than half the population is literate. However, the education system in Uganda has deteriorated sharply since the early seventies of the twentieth century because of civil unrest in the country. There Makerere University in Kampala. 

Surface. Most of Uganda plateau with an altitude of about 1,200 m above sea level. Grow dense forests in the south, and most of the North and is covered by savannah grasses and bushes short, while some areas of the north-eastern semi-desert. 
There highlands near the border of East and West. In the Middle Elgon to reach the summit of 4,321 m and reaches the summit of Mount Margherita to 5,109 m in a series of Rwenzori Mountains in the south-west. Located and the Great Rift Valley to the east of the western highlands. It includes a groove on the lakes Albert and Edward and George. The headwaters of the White Nile Tbarva water in Uganda. 
Passes south of the equator, Uganda, and because of the altitude, the temperature moderate, and rarely rises in most regions of the country to more than 29m at midday, or a minimum of 16m at night. Uganda to get most of the more than 100 cm of rain annually. 

Economy. Uganda is an agricultural country, and the main food crops include bananas, beans, cassava, maize, millet and sweet potatoes. It produces coffee, cotton, sugar cane, tea, which is too often for export. The country has many mineral resources, and copper mining is only at a high level. There in Uganda one of the largest power plants of water at Owen Falls, in the town of Jinja, the main industrial city in the country. 
Transported copper ore from mines near Cassis Kelemba to furnaces to his brother in the city of Jinja, and then to Kampala and the Kenyan port of Mombasa. Pass Liners and cargo on lakes Albert and Kyoga and Victoria, and also on the Albert River. The total length of roads in Uganda, about 6,120 km. 

History. By cent in the first of the birth of Christ, people were known in those parts of Uganda currently has developed agriculture and the use of iron, and staged later in the form of a government headed by the bosses. A year later, in 1300, grew many local kingdoms was the most important of the Kingdom of Bunyoro Kitara. 
Arab traders came to the area around the year 1850, and by that time it was Alganda have created the richest and most powerful kingdom of Buganda was called, was to this kingdom a large army and a very sophisticated system of governance. Arrived finders and missionaries from Britain to Uganda during the sixties and seventies of the nineteenth century. In 1894, Britain made ​​Buganda a British protectorate. Later in the nineties of the nineteenth century, united the kingdoms of Buganda and three other and formed a British protectorate. Uganda and won its current borders in 1926. And become cash crops such as coffee and cotton mainly to the economy of Uganda. After the end of World War II in 1945, Africans led an increasingly important role in the governance of Uganda, and many Alganda wanted to become an independent kingdom. Led the independence movement disorders during the fifties of the twentieth century between the Kabaka of Buganda king and the British. 
In October 9, 1962, Uganda became independent AD, and became Apollo Milton Obote, who belongs to an ethnic group north, as prime minister. Buganda gained powers and was more independent of the central government from the other kingdoms. In October 1963 he was elected Sir Edward II, King of Motaizha (Kayaka) Buganda president, has serious differences cropped up between him and Obote. In 1966, the Obote expelled Motaizha announced a new constitution to make Obote as president. Motaizha fled when government forces raided his headquarters. In 1967, approved a new constitution making Uganda a republic and abolished the traditional kingdoms in the country, including Buganda. 
In 1971, the Ugandan army ousted Babuta and established a military government. Chaired by Major-General Idi Amin Dada, the army commander of the new government. 
In 1972, Idi Amin ordered between 40 to almost 50 thousand Asians who were living in Uganda to leave the country. Not many Asians have become Ugandan nationals, but they have multiple businesses in Uganda. After the expulsion of Asians use their money in reward Secretary soldiers loyal to him. 
In 1978, a border dispute led to the outbreak of fighting between Uganda and Tanzania, which lies to the south. In 1979, Tanzanian troops inflicted, with the help of Ugandans opposed to the Secretary, the defeat of the army overthrew the government of Uganda and the Secretary of the controlled Ugandans opposed to the Secretary to the Government. In 1980, military leaders overthrew the government and formed a new government Briashganh composed of military and civilian leaders. In December, elections were held for the formation of a new civilian government, and returned Obote, who was living in exile in the country. The party won the most seats in the National Assembly and Obote became president again. Obote supporters accused rivals of manipulating the elections and began a guerrilla war to overthrow the Babuta. 
In July 1985 AD ousted commanders Babuta and dissolved the National Assembly and took control of the ruling. And Gen. Tito Okello became president, but the National Resistance Movement led by Yoweri Museveni launched a military campaign to overthrow the Bookelo. Forces captured the National Resistance Movement to Kampala in January 1986, and Museveni became president. By the end of 1986, he had restored peace to most parts of Uganda, but fighting continued in the northern and eastern borders, and the country suffered from the economic devastation caused by the years of war and political instability. Called on the name of the country's legislative body the National Council of Resistance in the period between 1986 and 1994. The name was changed to the Constituent Assembly of the Council in March 1994. Assembly began to discuss the draft constitution prepared by a committee appointed by President Museveni, and the Assembly approved the new constitution in 1995. Presidential elections were held and the other parliamentary, in 1996, for the selection of MPs which replaced the Constituent Assembly. Museveni was re-elected president of the country in that year, and was elected again in 2001. In 1999, there were Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya on the agreement whereby the re-pool configuration East Africa, which aims to promote economic and political cooperation between these countries. In 2001, the work of the assembly was inaugurated in an official capacity.

Rare landscapes from the mountains and lakes in Afghanistan 
Afghanistan enjoys scenic make you think that this country did not know the bloody events that never violent, nor imagine that these landscapes in the country of the Taliban and al-Qaeda, 
Those areas not visited by tourists and do not know anything about it by virtue of what the country has suffered from terrorism and collapse.

Burundi is a small republic in the center of the continent of Africa, a country of internal Asuahl her, and fall within the plateau lakes 

In central Africa, Rwanda in the north, and east and south-west Tanzania and Zaire, and overlooking the western part of North 

Lake Tanganyika is going where its border with Zaire. German colonization underwent at the end of the last century where 

Added German colony of Tanganyika (now Tanzania) and after the First World War and placed under the mandate of Belgium.

Tourism in Angola 

Angola African countries. Republic of Angola. One of West African States, bordered to the north and north-eastern Zaire, and Zambia from the south-east, and Namibia to the south, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west and an area (1.246 million kilometers), and the capital Buanda, and residents Taasma about a million people, and residents Otjola in 1988 about (9.458 million ) The official language is Portuguese and alongside many local dialects, and religions are Islam, Christianity and paganism.

State flag: 

Angola Angola Tourism Information 


Coastal plains rising inward as they reach the plateau Angolan, stems, including numerous rivers tend to Zaire or towards the Atlantic Ocean, into the home and varied climate in the south and west semi-desert, and in the north subtropical (tropical wet) hot, humid and Omtarh from November to April. Province of Cabinda is an isolated area, separate from the rest of the country by the Democratic Republic of Congo 

Angola Angola Tourism Information 

Capital Luanda 
The largest city of Luanda 
Portuguese Official Language 

Republican system of government 

Chairman Jose Eduardo dos Santos 
Since September 21, 1979 
Prime Minister Fernando da Piedad Dias dos Santos 
Since September 6, 2002 

Independence from Portugal November 11, 1975 

- Total 1,246,700 km 2 (22) 

- 12127071 census statistics in 2006 (71) 
- Population density of 8.6 / km 2 (-) 

- The gross national product of $ 45.032 billion ($ _) 
- GDP per capita $ 3,800 

Currency Kwanza (AOA) 
Time difference +1 (UTC) 
- Summer +1 (UTC) 
Code online .ao 
Calling code +244 

Matchethrhzh State: 

Luanda, capital of Angola, economic, and commercial center 
Angola's economy over a period of transformation in recent years, moving from the disarray caused by a quarter century of civil war to the fastest growing economies in Africa and one of the fastest in the world. In 2004, he agreed Export-Import Bank of China on a line with two billion dollars of loans to Angola. Are used the loan to rebuild infrastructure in Angola, and also reduce Nfozsndouk International Monetary country's growth is almost entirely the result of higher oil production, which exceeded [44 Template: Convert / Moilbbl / d in late 2005, and was expected to grow to mold 45: Convert / Moilbbl / d by 2007 and limited control over the oil industry in the group Sonangol, the bloc which is owned by the Angolan government. In December 2006, Angola has been recognized as a member of OPEC and the economy grew by 18% in 2005, and 26% in 2006 and 17.6% in 2007 and is expected to remain above 10% for the rest of this decade. Security resulting from the peaceful settlement of 2002 has led to the resettlement of 4 million displaced, resulting in large increases in agricultural production. Grew the country's economy since achieving political stability in 2002, however, it faces problems of huge social and economic as a result of a state of conflict almost constant from 1961 onwards, and despite the fact that the highest level of destruction and socio-economic damage took place after independence in 1975, and during the long years from the Civil War the oil sector, with the rapid rise in profits was the main driving force behind the improvement in overall economic activity-not, however, poverty remains widespread. Anti-corruption organization Transparency International establish Angola as one of the countries of the 10 most corrupt in the world in 2005, the capital city is the most sophisticated and the only large economic center worth mentioning in this country, however, called musseques, stretching for miles outside the city limits prior to Luanda 


According to the Heritage Foundation, a conservative American think tank, oil production has increased significantly from Angola Angola until now the largest supplier of oil to China. 
Transport in Angola consists of: 
• three railway systems totaling 2,761 kilometers 
• 76.626 km of highways 19.156 km of which is paved 
• 1,295 navigable waterways internal 
• eight major seaport 
243 Airport, 32 of which are unpaved. 


Luanda, Angola's largest city and its capital located on the Atlantic coast and is the main port of Angola and administrative center. An estimated population of about 4.5 million (according to the statistics of the United Nations 2004) and is the capital of the province of Luanda and its location is 8 ° 50'18 "south and 13 ° 14'4" east longitude. 

The most important advantages and features: 

The most important milestones: 

One of the city's most famous landmarks is the Museum of the Armed Forces, which is based in Fort St. Miguel really. 
And include other attractions on the peninsula Mussulo with three islands, the largest of the so-called Island priest. To the south, the tourist can visit a museum of slavery, based on the site where slaves were kept while waiting to be taken to Brazil in the Americas. Kwanza River estuary near a lovely spot for picnics and fishing. 
Kuando Kubango Province, located in the southeast area of ​​much of Angola, on the border with Zambia and Namibia, is the second largest province. Blessed with two great rivers, and Kuando Kubango, and the province is a gateway to the rest of South Africa, and certainly enormous potential to become a center for trade and tourism opportunities across the border. The climate is tropical and dry and pleasant land rich in untapped resources such as wood and many diamonds, gold and copper. 
Namibe Province: overlooking the Atlantic Ocean to the west and Namibia to the south, and this county is a land mirabilis Welwitschia, a desert plant looks like a giant octopus amazing! This plant, which runs on 2M 3M in Qatar, is unique in the region, and the carnivores! Namib Desert presents itself as an excellent fishing and game attract hunters from South Africa and abroad. With the third largest port in the country, and Namibe Province is one of the main centers for fishing. 
The province is also very beautiful beaches, with facilities for water sports and other activities. One of the most attractive areas is Bibala Beach, where is said to have healing properties of water. Kwanza Norte, and Amnesty International, which is well known for the mighty rivers, it is covered by dense tropical forests and savannah in the north to the south. Dam Capanda, located in the center of the Kwanza River, is a source of hydroelectric power and one of the largest civil engineering projects in the country. 
Kwanza Sul province, which is bordered by Kwanza Norte Bengo and Malange provinces in the north, to the east Barre, Benguela, Huambo and to the south, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. The main tourist attractions in the province include waterfalls, hot springs and caves. Port, Amboim Porto, is the main access by sea. 
Lunda Norte and Lunda Sul, and this county is famous for its art and large reserves of diamonds and was once part of an ancient kingdom known as strong Tchokwe. Reduce what is now the Kingdom of northeast Angola and the southwestern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Today, carvings Tchokwe is still popular with art collectors, one of the most popular O Pensador quo, carved graceful philosopher resting his head between his hands. Bunguela province, Amnesty International, which is the main attraction of the city of Benguela, known locally as Acacia Scarlet. Province and wonderful beaches, including Kaota, Kaotinha, Paya, Azul and Baia Farta. Diving and deep sea fishing are very popular entertainment. 
Has been the province of Huambo, with stunning colonial style buildings in the center of a long history of Angola. This province has a pleasant climate and rich, fertile soil that lends itself to much cultivation. 
Zaire Province, along with the preservation of its neighboring Uige, Zaire and once part of the Kingdom of Kongo. Included stronghold Mbanza Kongo Kingdom, the capital of the province to this day. The Royal Court was based in the city, which was a center of trade and other political and economic activities. Province and vast reserves of oil and hosts a large number of oil companies. 
Place that meets the Congo River Sea is one of the scenes most poignant in the country, and a trip to the "point", and will take one to a site where explorer great, Sir Henry Morton Stanley began his historic journey to the heart of Africa in search of Livingstone's famous David d. 
Cabinda province, and Cabindans have very rich cultural traditions and practice still Bantu rituals, such as the ceremony to begin. Attract the county's most impressive is Maiombe rainforest, which is famous especially for butterflies. There are hundreds of species of butterflies that can be found in the forest, many of which are unique in the region. Prized by collectors, can be found on the samples of these butterflies in natural history museums all over the world. 
The climate in Angola vary depending on the height. The dry season between May and October, with the beginning of the rainy November and December until April Warmest months are September and October, while July and August are the coolest. Light clothing is suitable throughout the year, in spite of jackets, sweaters and evening is recommended because it can get cold at night. Definitely recommended against rain during the rainy season. It is generally advisable to consult a doctor with your health care to take preventive measures against tropical diseases before traveling to Angola. It is highly recommended medicine against malaria and it is also advisable to be vaccinated against yellow fever. 
The local currency is the Kwanza (Kzr) and named for acceptable on a large scale, and one of the largest rivers in Angola and American dollars. Required visas for American citizens and all visitors must have a valid passport and proof of return tickets. While most European airlines provide transportation in Angola should always consult with a travel agent for specific travel, and help many hotels and tourism has seen a recent reforms in Luanda. 
For more information about visiting Angola, please contact the Embassy of Angola in Washington, DC, on telephone number: (202) 785-1156 or fax at (202) 822-9049, and the mailing address is 2108 Sixteenth Street, Washington, DC 20009. You can also visit the following website: http://www.angola.org. 
About the author: Helen C. Broadus is the head of the field of international professionals, Inc. (VIP), a African-American-owned, full-service travel and tourism company based in the Washington, DC area and specialized in travel and tourism in the continent of Africa. 
For more information about VIP or to discuss travel arrangements and tour to visit Angola, please contact VIP at 1-877-TO-VENUE [FREE], (301) 856-9188 [VOICE], (301) 868-2218 [fax]; vipinc@erols.com [E - MAIL], and also visit the site in the VIP www.venuetravel.com. 

Cities and tourism 

Seeks Angola to strengthen the development of the tourism industry then and through the development of communication lines and pave roads and building bridges as well as for the construction of hotels and the provision of health care, and strengthen the places and means of tourist attractions nationwide, which could make it one of the interfaces of choice for many tourists from Europe and America and other continents in the coming years , and because of the delay in the tourism industry in Angola for the colonization of the country, which has suffered from it, in addition to the civil war. 

And enjoy Angola by many factors scenery, including rivers and waterfalls and the coast, and the vast territory extended, in addition to the diversity of cultures and colors, stretching beaches Angolan western Atlantic Ocean for a distance of up to 1,650 kilometers, and because of the diversity of natural and climate of the state has reflected this diversity of plant and animal life . 
Luanda is the capital and largest city is located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and is the main port of the state and administrative center. 

The Cabinda It is one of the provinces of Angola, the main area for the production of oil, which depends upon the state as the most important exports of the country, and includes the area of Cabinda many scenic of forests, which give the natural wealth in the timber, and enables you to visit Cabinda Show animal gorilla and identify the nature of his life, has Angola establishment of natural reserves to protect animal and plant life endangered. 
Angola and includes many of the ports and harbors, among them Ambriz, Cabinda, Lobito, Luanda, Namibe and others. 

Talking attractions in Angola 
Namib Naukluft Park 
Iona National Park: Iona National Park is a national park in Angola's oldest and largest. It was in the Official Gazette as a protected area in 1937 and is located in the province of Namibe, Angola. It is about 200 km from the city of Namibe and covers an area of ​​15150 square kilometers. Iona is known garden plants are unique and fascinating rock formations part of the Namib Desert Coast and joins with the skeleton coast and the Namib National Park -Nauklutft. 
Waterfalls Kalandula 
Kalandula waterfalls located on the river Kala Kalundula and stunning spectacle, and said that Africa `s third-largest waterfalls. Waterfalls is located 105 meters and length of 85 km from the provincial capital of Malange. Can be found on many of the huge waterfalls in Angola. 
• Game Park Kissama: It is a game reserve wide located 70km south of Luanda. It is one of the holy sites in Angola's finest wildlife variety of plants and noticed the rich and animals. This original game 

Game Park Kissama 
Reserve turned into a national park since 1957, is a famous spot to watch the animals and safaris in Kissama. Wildlife that it includes the most prominent giraffes and ostriches, and hundreds of African elephants. One can be up to the park with the road through the Kwanza River Bridge. There are many accommodation facilities in the park game. And are easily organize exciting drives wildlife safari park. 
• Mussolo Island: Island Mussolo located only a few kilometers from Luanda. This is one of the most popular tourist sites in the capital of Angola. It is a strip of land stretching 50km down the coast of Luanda. Mussolo Island offers a relaxed atmosphere, especially for holiday travelers as well as Angola and create an environment of stunning white sand beach lined with palm trees, beach holiday in Angola. With hotels and accommodations aplenty, the island is the ideal place to spend a few days of holiday in peaceful bliss. 
Palmeirinhas Beach Angola 
Angola has been established Atlantic coast stretches for more than 1650 km creates many small islands, bays and sandy beaches, where beaches and excellent destination for holidays in the country: the shores of Angola. Beaches in the capital include Corimba Luanda, Ilha do Cabo, and Santiago and Palmeirinhas Taher exceptional. In Benguela also many beaches like Caóta, Morena, Restinga, Caotina, Baia Azul and Baia Farta and; in Namibe are two beaches Azul Miragens Das. Most beaches Angola is also famous landscapes. They are plush and beautiful panoramic views. May try fishing off the coast of the beach. A quiet spot, which constitute 
Learn more about Travel Angola, Angola, tour operators and tourist attractions in Angola, on a holiday in Angola and sight seeing tours in Angola, Angola and nightlife. 

Aspects of the surface 

Each part of Angola's easy Aatabaah in Angola 
Chlwasa high, extending in the southern part of the African continent, which is a narrow coastal plain, rises abruptly to a plateau huge, constitute an easy and wide up while stretching desert area of rock covering the southern part of the country, abound tropical trees in the northern regions, and constitute the highlands which covered most of the territory of Angola herbs. 

Angola and includes many of the rivers, which are clustered to pour water in the basin of the Congo River in the north, while the other collapsed heading south toward the Atlantic Ocean, and represent collapsed like Cunene and Kwanza rivers and a number of other waterways navigable toward the inside. 
Of the highest mountain peaks in the Mount Muro de Angola Moko, and rises to 2620 meters above sea level.

Tourism in the heart of the capital of beauty and romance and culture Austrian Graz 

Palaces huge arenas beautiful stationed where art, dance and narrow alleys, hidden from sight .ahawwah and courtyards, romantic and ceilings Btabouk Red historic, stylists Italians lived hundreds of years in this city, and the top of their still even today boasts the city .alaslob Ghaouti and the style of the Renaissance and Baroque in all phases and periods time was the reason to be in the old city of Graz in the heart of Europe and the legacy of culture and humanity, and many of the city nicknamed Npa beauty, romance and culture and at the same time include the city among them the places of historical and artistic design and named in this design. 

It was a Graz a place to set up the Austrian Empire and notes the tourist and visitor or Austrian by the presence of palace tower, where he was the residence of Tsar Austrian as well as the cathedral Algotah and the tomb of Tsar Ferdinand II is the tomb of the city (the Taj Caesarean section) and the Palace of the province and the courtyard beautiful style of the Renaissance and the pillars beautiful that fill the yard and Bjunbh Museum of armor, which is the largest museum of armor and weapons of war in Europe, and some say that the second largest museum of armor in Alm.oihtoa on more than 40 thousand pieces of war from the Middle Ages and the presence Palace (Aakkin Burke), which includes several Galeriaat and museums between inbuilt gives the city great aesthetic Bmtensha that's been the big attached to the records of the legacy of humanity User World Organization (UNESCO). 
Center of gravity of the city is the presence of a mountain palace in the city center, which is the history of the city in the resistance against Napoleon Bonaparte and the symbol of romance at the same time and look over the mountain to the city and depth of the wonderful grant rights calm and Tmanah Spirit and remain Spirit open book in order to underscore the human nicest words where what afford outlook of fun and is a mountain of Gratsien most important fortress along the times had not appreciated the one that Agsoh and either the Clock Tower, which is located on the mountain is a function of the mountain and I fancy him Architects and can be seen from all parts of the city and at the top of the mountain where the theaters, cafes and fancy restaurants and music as well as the richness of the artist Kurdish Schwann Brewers at the top of this mountain. 

Varied festivals and music programs and technical annual in this city and be a meeting point of cultures and live the city cultures of Europe, various activities vital and intensive programs, and since 2003, when the city was the capital of the culture of the European kept the city on the strength of streamed technical and abundance of festivals varied up to the present day and the city was the capital of European culture forever and during festivals, art has become a magnet for the city tourism and tourists from Europe and the world. 

In the days of hot year is impossible city to stage large and it represents life in its various forms and the outdoor cross Festival street theater, a festival global street theater games, dolls and either Jazz Festival presents the Khcbat large and in the main squares and Festival Styria Art and is one of the most famous festivals classic for Speakers German in the form of acts of opera classic Koonsirtat music and the presence of the commander of the orchestra global Nikolaos Harnkurt which goes back to the home of his birthday Graz to lead the festival will be held from 22 to 22, and either hand shopping has become the city in recent years, after the city became the city of artistic design kiss the attention of tourists and visitors in the shopping and the terms of the hours and toiletry Among the most famous shops in Graz, Austria, where (Kastner and Olar) which is located on an area of ​​20 thousand square meters and underneath a large yard for parking and another world under the ground and in these stores, where more than 500 global brand and is located on 6 floors As for restaurants in Austrian Graz it may great fame and Austrian cuisine him great fame in Europe and Austria, while the referendum was conducted in an Austrian newspaper did not feel proud of the Austrian homeland Austria and the result was 65 percent answered because they are proud of Austrian cuisine, a fabulous kitchen !!!!. 

City of Graz surrounded by mountains on all sides abound in the outer perimeter waterfalls many, including the waterfall (Kissel Val), (Byrne Schutz's words), as well as caves and caverns, which go forth tourists frequently, including the cave (Lore) In this cave, where the water dripping from the ceiling continuously It is without collapsing. as well as in the province of Steiamark where the capital city of Graz bearing nature of the miraculous, beautiful and famous farms grapes and drink red participated in competitions global world drink Red there is also a special quality to drink Steiamarkiy called (Hekher), as well as frequent churches and mosques, cathedrals, synagogues and Buddhist in Graz . 

Grats..nqth confluence of religions and civilizations and cultures Alansanh.bdl RFU 
Austria \ Graz

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